

Memories of the National Day holiday in the year of Gui Mao (4)

Escaping Pessimism and Depression#

In fact, she did not come to Chongqing easily. Her father was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2019 and could only rely on medication to survive. In mid-September this year, her uncle's health suddenly deteriorated to an extremely weak state. Therefore, she planned to return to Shandong after the holiday to accompany her uncle, and then pretend to return to school on the 4th, but actually fly to Chongqing to meet me. She didn't want her family to know about her trip to Chongqing, partly because she worried that they would misunderstand her for neglecting her father and causing resentment, and partly because most of the expenses for this trip were borne by me voluntarily, and she didn't want to add financial pressure to her family again.

On September 29th, the beginning of the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. I asked her to pack and send the clothes, cosmetics, and daily necessities she needed for her trip to Chongqing, so that she could travel light when taking the plane. After she hurriedly sent the package, she quickly took the high-speed train back to her hometown. In her hometown, she spent a few days with her uncle and witnessed his weakness, which caused her immense pain.

She told me that one day her uncle suddenly felt unwell at home and wanted to call her in the bedroom, but because his body was weak, he couldn't shout loudly. In the end, he called her on the phone, which allowed her to discover the situation in time.

In the early morning of the 2nd, she suddenly told me that her father's condition had relapsed, and his body was unable to support normal walking. He vomited all the dinner due to nausea and was preparing to be immediately sent to the hospital. At that time, I was fully prepared. If she told me that she couldn't make it, I would immediately cancel all appointments-after all, the situation was special, and even though I was looking forward to the trip with her, I would rather she not feel guilty towards her family and parents.

She didn't respond for a whole day until the early morning of the 4th, when she told me that she was on her way to the airport. I breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that our holiday plans can continue. She said her uncle had been taken to the hospital, and even if she stayed at home, it wouldn't help. At the same time, she longed to temporarily escape the heavy atmosphere at home and seek a moment of spiritual comfort. I knew very well that since her uncle was diagnosed with cancer, especially recently when his condition worsened, she had been trapped in a state of pessimism and depression.

Creating Special Moments for Her#

I kept in touch with her on WeChat until she boarded the plane, while I continued to be busy with my own affairs. I took the high-speed train from Chengdu East Station to Shapingba and went to the barber shop I often go to for a new hairstyle-even though we have made countless appointments and spent a lot of time together, I still wanted to add some special sense of ceremony for her. However, it seemed that the weather in Chongqing was playing tricks on me. Just as I left the barber shop, it started to drizzle, wetting my carefully arranged hairstyle.

Setting off from Chengdu to Chongqing

Ignoring these unexpected incidents, I proceeded with the next step as planned. I went straight from Shapingba Station to the school to pick up her luggage and the small gift I prepared, and packed them into my larger suitcase-for the convenience of this trip, I originally only brought a small 13-inch suitcase, but now it couldn't fit both of our belongings. Then, I called a car and sent the luggage to the hotel in Yuzhong District and arranged the room. Then I went to Jiangbei District to pick up the pre-ordered flowers, and finally arrived at Jiangbei International Airport.

This bouquet is personally designed and arranged by me, and she likes it very much

When I arrived at the airport pickup area, she had already come out and was sending me a message asking where I was. Based on my intuition and my perception of her, I saw her in the distance, so I quietly went around behind her and sent her a message saying, "I'm next to you." She turned around in confusion, and I was standing behind her holding the flowers. She was extremely excited, not knowing whether it was because I appeared quietly or because of the longing for each other. She picked up the bouquet and admired it from various angles, constantly praising my taste. I jokingly replied, "Can someone with bad taste like you?" and immediately received a gentle punch from her.

- Where are you? -I'm next to you

The pre-arranged airport pickup driver arrived on time, and we got in the car together-I originally planned to rent a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, but unfortunately there were no cars available in Chongqing that day, so I had to settle for an E-Class. The considerate driver remained silent, and jazz music was playing in the car as arranged in advance. I held her hand, and she leaned on my shoulder, sharing stories about her family and her uncle's recent situation. She suggested that her uncle go to a hospital in Hong Kong for further examination. I asked her to send me a copy of the diagnosis report and help me contact relevant experts. Although I had a strong intuition that her uncle's condition was not optimistic and his time was running out, in order to make her feel that she had done her best, I actively assisted in contacting, even if it might be futile effort.

After picking her up from the airport, we went to the hotel together

After a period of traffic congestion, we arrived at the hotel. She saw the well-decorated room and hugged me again. After we both finished washing up, we went downstairs to have a meal. I asked her what she wanted to eat for dinner, and she playfully glanced at me and said, "If you come to Chongqing, what else can you eat besides hot pot?"

Yuzhong District, especially around Jiefangbei and Hongya Cave, is always crowded with tourists and has many restaurants. We chose a well-reputed hot pot restaurant and finally got a seat after waiting in line for half an hour. Watching her skillfully order a table full of dishes, I couldn't help but joke, "Whose little pig is this? Can you finish so much?" After hearing this, she pouted and said, "Hmph," this cute look made me feel comforted. If she could relax a little, then the success of this holiday plan would be guaranteed.

Her first meal after landing was Chongqing butter hot pot, and she specially learned how to make a delicious dipping sauce from me

Vacations are not always perfect, but they are always memorable#

After the hot pot, we took a walk around Jiefangbei, capturing many beautiful moments together. Then we went to Raffles City to buy her a few new clothes-September and October in Chongqing are usually hot, but those days unexpectedly rained, and ordinary summer clothes seemed a bit thin. Carrying shopping bags, we walked towards the hotel.

View of Qiansimen Jialing River Bridge from Yuzhong Peninsula

When we were packing our luggage in the hotel, we had a dispute over a trivial matter-the moment emotions arise, they are often difficult to control. Although I can't remember the specific reason for the argument now, we were arguing fiercely at that time. I angrily slammed the door and went downstairs alone to smoke and calm down. During this time, she tried to ease the situation and called me twice on WeChat video, but I ignored her because I was still angry. It wasn't until the third time that I reluctantly answered. She apologized with a humble attitude, but I was still sulking. It started to rain outside again, so I had to go back to the hotel lobby, but I didn't want to go back to the room to face her, so I hid in the stairwell.

She noticed the rain outside and asked if I had gone back. I simply replied that I was in the stairwell. To be honest, even though I was still angry, I didn't want her to worry, and I was afraid she would do something silly like rushing out to find me. Perhaps, at that moment, I also realized that it was not appropriate to continue like this, and both sides should understand each other, so I chose to compromise.

Sitting in the stairwell contemplating life

After she learned that I was in the stairwell, she quickly came to me and hugged me gently from behind. Even though I still had some anger in my heart, her gentle embrace resolved most of it in an instant. She wrapped her arms around my waist and whispered softly to me, "Okay, baby, don't be angry anymore." I pretended to be stubborn and hummed, but her tight embrace made it impossible for me to resist. At that moment, her cuteness made it impossible for me to blame her (that was my thought at the time, but looking back now, I can't help but feel a bit ironic).

I slowly stood up, and she stood up too, still holding my waist. She whispered in my ear, "Can't I be more careful next time? Okay, okay, let's go back to the room quickly." Seeing her cute appearance, I couldn't help but hold her tightly, teasing her in her ear, "We haven't seen each other for so long, shouldn't we do something else?" She pouted and teased me for being so lustful, saying that she had been busy all day and didn't have the energy to think about these things. I ignored her and held her waist, walking towards the bed, and then we cuddled together on the bed. The air conditioning in the room was set to a cold temperature, but we were burning with heat...

After a struggle, she straddled me and picked up my cigarette from the bedside table on my side. We looked at the sign that said "No smoking in bed" and lit the cigarette with a lighter. She even taught me how to blow a perfect smoke ring, but I didn't learn it even after finishing a cigarette. She looked at me, as if her eyes were telling me about unfulfilled desires, but I guiltily looked away, saying, "It's too late today, we should get a good night's sleep."

At three or four o'clock, we finally decided to go to sleep. But just as I was falling asleep, I was awakened by a chill. I opened my eyes and found that she had wrapped the entire blanket around herself, while I was completely exposed to the cold air blowing from the air conditioner in the room. She hugged my right arm, and I was worried about waking her up, so I carefully pulled a corner of the blanket with my left hand, trying to gain a little space to sleep. But after she sensed my movement, she cutely let go of my arm and rolled to the other side of the bed with the blanket. I sighed and got up to find a warm piece of clothing, and adjusted the air conditioning back to a suitable temperature. Just as I lay back on the bed, she rolled back with the blanket and continued to grab my arm. Helplessly, I sighed again and pinched her face.

This pinch woke her up. She looked at me with sleepy eyes and muttered, "What are you doing? Go to sleep quickly." At the same time, she finally uncovered the blanket and shared it with me.

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