

Setting Sail Again with "URSPRUNG" - June 24, 2024

After a long final week, I finally welcomed a brief rest period. Taking advantage of these two days of free time, I rebuilt my blog, switching the domain from nishikori.tech to the new domain ursprung.io, and migrated all data to a new server located in Oregon.

As for the reason for changing the domain, it mainly stems from my adjustment to the positioning of this site. I no longer want to use this site as a short-term personal blog update site, but rather as a long-term, stable transit station. Based on this domain, I will deploy various internet services convenient for me and my friends, as well as build a personal brand. For these purposes, using "nishikori_tech" seems somewhat small-minded. Moreover, "Kei Nishikori" only serves as my pen name at the moment, and I cannot guarantee whether I will continue to use this name in the future.

I also struggled for a long time with the choice of domain. Due to my personal aesthetic preferences, I tend to set the meaning of the domain as "origin, original."

The most suitable for this meaning, and in line with the positioning of this site in Chinese, is the phonetic "yuan" for the character "元," but unfortunately, most "yuan" domains in Chinese phonetics have already been registered. My favorite "yuan.io" is in a resale state, but the minimum price of $3,500 made me hesitate.

Later, I thought of using the Yale romanization "ywan" for "元," but due to its obscurity, I gave up on it.

After considering various languages, I searched on domain registration sites for a long time, looked up solutions such as "alfa," "origine," "fundementa," "kigen," "genesis," and many more. After considering simplicity, price, and relevance in several dimensions, I finally chose the domain name "ursprung" that I have now - a German term usually understood as "root," "origin," or "source."

I hope that in the future, I can continue to use this domain name (unless I can really buy a better one).

This article is synchronized and updated by Mix Space to xLog. The original link is https://ursprung.io/notes/27

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