

Despair - June 9, 2024

I have been busy studying in the past few days and have not updated my status.

I stayed up late a while ago to complete the project declaration for the China International College Students Innovation Competition, hoping everything goes smoothly.

The results of the math modeling competition have not been announced yet, and I also hope for a smooth outcome.

To be honest, I didn't study seriously this weekend, spending most of the time sleeping and using my phone.

The image hosting service IMGTP that I used frequently suddenly stopped working, and most of the existing images cannot be displayed. I tried to salvage the images for a few articles, but it felt too time-consuming. I decided to slowly recover them when I have time in the future. After all, the images are mine, and there is a possibility of full recovery, but the workload is relatively large.

Some time ago, my ex attempted suicide for certain reasons. Fortunately, she was rescued in time and we reconnected. Despite any initial reluctance, I still hope she will be well.

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