

Get your free domain email - Resend

Although I have migrated my blog to this new domain, I still retain ownership of nishikori.tech. In order to better utilize this idle domain and better configure my email distribution, I still want to keep the domain email of nishikori.tech.

Although service providers like Google Workspace provide comprehensive domain email services that are convenient to use, all services require payment. In order to save expenses, I have given up using such services. And in today's situation where many service providers block port 25 connections, it is not easy to set up a self-built email server.

Through research, I discovered Resend, which provides free email sending services for users (100 emails/day for free users, or 3000 emails/month), which is exactly what I need. By combining Resend with the email routing feature provided by Cloudflare, we can get a free domain email.

Preparation before starting#

  1. A Resend account

  2. An idle domain that uses Cloudflare's DNS service

  3. An email account that serves as a carrier, in this case, Gmail is used

Configure Cloudflare email routing to achieve receiving service#

First, open the Cloudflare console, open the target domain, and then click on the Email selection tab. Then click on Email Routing, enter the desired email name in the Custom address input box, and enter the carrier email in the Destination input box below.


Then, configure DNS resolution according to the prompts.


According to the tutorial, our domain email has the function of receiving emails, and if we don't need the sending service, we can stop here.

Configure Resend to achieve sending service#

Open the Resend official website, and apply for a free API Key on the homepage or the API Keys page, and copy it for later use.


On the Settings page, select the SMTP selection tab to obtain information such as the SMTP host and port.


Log in to the carrier email and find "Add another email address" in the settings interface, and click on it.


Fill in the required information according to the prompts, and fill in the domain email address in the "Email address" field.


According to the Resend official documentation, fill in the SMTP server (smtp.resend.com), select the port (465), and fill in the username (Resend). The result is shown in the following figure.


Click "Add Account" to add the domain email to the carrier email account. Then open the inbox of the carrier email, find the authentication email, and verify it.


After the above configuration, we can select our domain email in the sending interface of the carrier email and use it to send emails.



Don't waste your domain, Cloudflare + Gmail + Resend, get a free enterprise email in ten minutes

Resend Documentation

This article is synchronized and updated to xLog by Mix Space
The original link is https://ursprung.io/posts/tech/get-your-free-domain-email

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